Søstrene Grene launches their newest collection Room to Dream from Thursday, February 2nd 2023. Establish harmony in the home décor. Combine soft colours and textiles with wicker and ceramics to challenge the character of a room and bring it together.
There is nothing quite like the feeling of entering a beautiful hotel room after a day of travel and sight-seeing and enjoying the relaxing atmosphere, the luxurious serenity, and taking the time to unwind. Get inspired to create the same aesthetics with Søstrene Grene’s new Room to Dream collection, as it invites you to create a harmonious setting for everyday life with the season’s gentle colours, interesting ceramics, wicker details and soft textiles.
In the selection, you will find novelties for the kitchen, bedroom, and living room to make each space a peaceful oasis in the home. You will also find completely new product additions to the sisters’ assortment as Søstrene Grene introduces light curtains and a lavish headboard.
The new collection launches in stores including George’s Street Dublin 2, Dun Laoghaire, Cork, Limerick, Bangor, Belfast and Newry from February 2nd and will be available while stocks last.
Get inspired to make room for reflecting, dreaming and relaxing with the sisters’ novelties. Discover more in the image bank:
For further information and photography, please contact:
Suzanne Monks | Mari O’Leary @ O’Leary PR
suzannemonks@olearypr.ie | marioleary@olearypr.ie 01-678-9888